Stefano Lenci,马尔凯理工大学土木与建筑工程系教授,博士生导师,意大利理论与应用力学协会(AIMETA)主席,意大利马尔凯地区科学院成员,主持多项国家和国际科学研究项目,发表了290多篇国际学术出版物,其中2本国际专著和135篇具有高影响因子的国际期刊论文。现任Int. J. Mechanical Sciences、Nonlinear Dynamics、ASME J. Vibration and Acoustics、European Journal of Mechans A/Solids、Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA)、Int. J. Non-linear Mechanics等国际期刊的副主编或编委。担任2009年第XIX届意大利力学大会主席。研究领域主要包括土木工程,机械工程中的非线性动力学行为及其应用,建筑(民用和工业,新建和既有,钢筋混凝土和砖石建筑)和历史城市的地震脆弱性等。
It is nowadays understood that, for engineering systems the stability of solution in classical (Lyapunov) sense is not enough for practical purposes, since the solution may have a basin of attractions very narrow and such that even small imperfections/disturbances may lead the system to another coexisting solution, commonly representing an engineering unwanted outcome for the system. It is not only a matter of smallness of basins of attraction, as the basin may be large but very fractal, with only a small compact part. The investigation of this topic, which consists of determining the robustness of the solution, or its "practical stability", is named dynamical integrity and entails investigating the properties of safe basin. It is the object of this presentation.